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Medical Lake, Washington

Monday, February 23, 2009

Writers' Workshop and More.....

In fourth grade, we learn about several different forms of writing but mainly focus on Narrative and Expository forms. We were really lucky today as we found ourselves with a huge "chunk of writing time"! That doesn't happen often so we took advantage. The kids got their writing folders, their editing bags, dictionaries and got busy.

Analysa has an idea and is on a roll!

Alex is "reading to the wall". This is a step in the "revising and editing process". Sometimes it helps to read the story out loud and hear what we actually wrote and not what we thought we wrote!
Phillip is really concentrating on revising. Great job, Phillip!
Looks like Mikal found a change to make. That's some serious erasing! Cole is re-reading. Does it sound "just right" yet?
Calista and her clipboard...what more does a writer need? She has some great similes in her story!
When in doubt, get the dictionary....great idea, Garet!

Of course, the Reading Counts deadline is almost here so why not squeeze a test in when we can. Smart thinking, Brayden. That has been one busy computer!

And...a couple of our friends were caught up on everything so they challenged themselves with a new math dice game in the hallway. Nicely done, Alexandra and William.


Medical lake said...


laura said...

This looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

thanks for NO spelling!!!!