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Medical Lake, Washington

Friday, December 4, 2009

More Science!

We had a task to perform and a problem to solve. If Ms. Spilker gave us a baby food jar filled to very top with water, how many pennies could we add to the jar before the water would spill over? The results were surprising!
The answers varied. Some groups used only 9 or 10 pennies and some used as many as 27 before the water spilled over the top! It was so exciting to see how many each group could get in there. Next, came the most important question....what prevented the water from spilling over for so long with so many pennies? Hmmmm....puzzling! This time it was mine and Mrs. Overman's turn to get excited! The kids did a water kit in third grade and they had a lot of background knowledge to share with us...some great ideas and thinking!

As always, not only was the experiment exciting, but there was learning involved! We always find a way to sneak that in. The kids are now working their way through the scientific process. They recorded a question, hypothesis/prediction, and listed materials. We will continue through the rest of the process next week!

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