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Medical Lake, Washington

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Popcorn Party!

We have a jar in our room that gets filled with a scoop of popcorn when we earn a compliment for good behavior or great manners. Sometimes I will add a scoop if the whole class is working really well. When the jar is full, the class has earned a POPCORN PARTY!
Imagine how exciting it was when we earned our very first party during the second week of school!! That has to be a record for filling the jar!

I decided to pop in a Winnie the Pooh movie about Making Friends to go with the popcorn...after all, popcorn and a movie just go together, right! You might be surprised but 4th graders still love Winnie the Pooh! Just look at these faces! (I thought they might try to do a math page at the same time....silly me!)

I am sure this is the first of many popcorn parties to come!

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