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Medical Lake, Washington

Thursday, January 23, 2014


We have a new science kit!  The kit is called Landforms.  This kit will help to teach many important science skills, concepts and science vocabulary.  We started the kit last week with a discussion about why we use models and maps.  The kids started by creating a schoolyard model.

After building the model, we had a discussion around how a person might share the information from their model.  Would it be easy or convenient to take the model to a meeting about the schoolyard?  That lead to the idea that perhaps a map might be a more efficient way to share out schoolyard landforms and structures.  The kids became "cartographers" and drew a map of their model using a grid overlay and markers.

They did a great job!  We will be using the models and trays to create Stream Tables.  It's a lot of learning mixed with a lot of fun.  Wait!  I thought learning wasn't supposed to be fun!

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