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Medical Lake, Washington

Saturday, December 31, 2011

You have probably heard that we are working on multiplication. We have moved past practicing multiplication facts to "multi-digit multiplication". That's right! Two and three digits time two digits. "Zero Hero" is now a daily member of our class! :)

The kids and I like to practice math on the white boards. There is just something "magical" about those boards. Things seem so much easier when you can just wipe a mistake away. It doesn't feel as permanent as a pencil! :)

Look at this concentration! Working, working, working! Can't you just see the "thinking" going on here?Sometimes, the students are the teachers. (I can't do all the work!) They actually love to go up front and show their thinking!
If you are looking for something to do with your kiddos, make up some math problems for them. You will be so amazed and impressed!

Fun in the Sun!

Fourth grade is hard work!! There is so much to learn and practice every day! I think it's easy to forget that they are 9 and 10 years old and, well....sometimes, a kid's gotta be a kid! The weather has cooperated so nicely this year. We can't really pass up a quick afternoon break.

Ok...sometimes the teacher might need it more than the kids!

I love this class! Every recess, half of them head to the playground equipment to play a game they have created called "infected" and the other half heads to "kickball". I have so much fun watching them. They truly know how to play together and no one really ever gets mad when it's just our class playing. They all have an "oh well" attitude. So fun to watch!
You know..we all had choices to make in life about what we wanted to do when we "grow up". I think I made a pretty good one!

Problem Solving in Math

The kids have been working super hard at learning their math facts and how to multiply with bigger numbers. They are all showing progress and doing great!!
The next step is to apply those skills to "real life" situations. It is important to be able to understand what a word problem is asking you to do. We have been practicing some "problem solving" strategies. Most recently, we have been using "Try, Check and Revise".
First, the students took some time to work on the problem by themselves.

Thinking, thinking, thinking! I love it!
It's ok to use numbers, pictures and/or words to solve a problem. Check out this labeling!

Next, it was time to get together in groups and share each other's thinking. How did you solve this problem?
The discussion about how each person got their answer was fantastic! If they can explain their thinking, they are one step closer to "getting it"! It's so much fun when they realize that there can be more than one way to solve a problem.
After each group shows their work on their chart paper, it's time for a "Gallery Walk". How did all of the other groups solve theirs? More explaining of thinking. So awesome!!
This process sure builds confidence in math. "Do it....solve it...share it!"

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Muscles, Joints and Tendons...Oh My!

After working with bones for a while, it was time to move on to muscles, joints and tendons. First, the kids were given dowels and "joints". Can you figure out how to make these look like a leg? It was easier said than done! Look at this concentration....
Ta-da!! Success!
Next, it was time to add muscles and tendons. What do they do?They make the leg move and bend! Here is Allison explaining how hers works. This was a great unit. The kids did a great job working together and learned a lot!

Halloween Fun!

Halloween is always a favorite...no matter how old you get! We have some awesome parent helpers this year. The kids had a fabulous time! They had some great costumes and I just couldn't stop taking pictures so I decided to put them into some collages. Too much fun! We could not have had such a good time without all the moms (and dad) that came. I loved all the parent costumes, too!
What would a party be without food?? Believe me! We had that covered. Of course, there were some great games, too. The kids even created some of their own. Yes, the sticky eyeball is still on our ceiling. We have created a little science experiment of our own with it! :)
A HUGE thank you to all the parents who contributed to the party and fun. A special thanks to Lexie's mom for organizing things for me!

Friday, October 28, 2011

There Are Bones In Those Pellets!

We are still working our way through the Human Body science kits. As a wrap up activity for the bones investigations, the kids are asked to analyze Owl Pellets. The students were to look for bones of small animals in the pellets and then see if they could identify the bone. Here is what they looked like at the beginning.

These were the "tool" they had to research with.
First, they must read the directions.

Good scientists always observe and then record their observations.

Look at the determination in these faces. I love to watch the scientists at work.

Just look at the "treasures"....

They did a great job of identifying the bones once they found them!

Although the science kits are a lot of fun for the kids when they are working through the investigations, there are a lot of important skills that are being practiced. They are learning how to work with others, how to observe and record, make predictions, confirm predictions and how to communicate with each other and in writing. Science is definitely a "highlight" of the week.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Notes and Things

Pictures are this Friday. Everyone gets their picture taken even if they are not purchasing a picture packet. Please make sure to send the money to school with your student before picture time.

Keep working on those Reading Logs. Your child should be reading 4 times a week for at least 20 minutes each time. Please keep the Reading Log in your child's folder with the planner. I check them on Monday. If it is complete, your child gets a "Hawks Pride" slip for the drawing on Friday. This is also part of their Reading Effort grade.

The planner goes back and forth between home and school each day. Please be sure to check it. If something is circled, it is homework. If it comes back with something circled in red, it means I didn't receive the homework. This is a great place to send me a message and I will do the same. It's an easy way for me to have daily contact with each of you every day. Your child's job is to make sure you see it. Your job is to make sure you sign it each night. They get a sticker if you do!

As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. We are off to a GREAT start!

The Smartboard Is Working!

I'm so excited to have a Smartboard this year. It's the first time 4th grade has had them. The kids love being the "teacher" and showing what they know. Here are couple of students working on our DLP (Daily Language Practice).

It's so cool seeing them work at the board and explaining their thinking to us!

Popcorn and Reading Go Together Nicely!

We have a popcorn jar in our room. Every time the kids are being their "wonderful" selves, they get a scoop of popcorn. When the jar is full, they earn a popcorn party. They also earn a letter when they are doing what they should during Silent Reading. The letters eventually spelled "Squirt". Our friend, Bella, is moving and today was her last day. It was perfect timing for the popcorn and Squirt.
It's funny how food and a camera bring out the "best" in kids! I think the boys were giving me their "cool" faces.
Of course, what fun is popcorn if you can't try to toss it into your mouth?
Apparently, some of us really "love" popcorn!
And some people just enjoyed the treat.Of course, being a teacher...we couldn't have too much fun for too long. We have a lot to learn this year! It was time to take the first Reading test. This was just a "pretest" and I told the kids that it wouldn't count in their grade but it was important information for me. It would let me know what they know and what I need to teach. Just look at these faces and that concentration. They took me very seriously. And, yes, it was as quiet in the room as it looks!

Maybe we should have popcorn every time we take a test!