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Medical Lake, Washington

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Morning After....

The morning after our St. Patrick's Party, we decided to try a new room arrangement...I do that a lot! We still had some "Leprechaun" juice left and Paxton's dad treated the kids to bags of popcorn. He popped them himself. It turns out that was great "math fuel". Just look at all of the hard work going on here. I actually stopped a couple of times and just watched them. I couldn't help but smile. They know their job at school is to work hard and they are happy to do it (with or without food)!

St. Patrick's Party!!

Well, like I said before...this class knows how to have a party! "The moms" as I like to call them, thought we could use a little festivities for St. Patrick's day. We put the word out to other parents in the room, and we had ourselves a party!Jayda's mom sent tattoos and the kids had a lot of fun with those!

Lexie's and Victor's moms thought a chocolate fountain would be perfect. They even figured out how to make it green! (They used vanilla icing and food coloring...brilliant!)
So many choices!
It actually wasn't as messy as it looks. LOL The kids loved it! I think this sign is on the wrong person...I think I'm the LUCKY one!

Music Award

Our class won the Musical Star award for February. I am sooo proud of them! This award is given my our music teacher for working hard and doing everything they are asked to do. I wasn't surprised one bit that they won the award! They do that for me every day!

National Geographic...

We subscribe to a great magazine called "National Geographic For Kids". The kids love them! Sometimes, it's important to just give them time to read with their friends.

Colorful pictures and great information! What more could you ask for?

Favorite Books...

We were working on a little Persuasive Writing project so I had all the kids bring their favorite books in. What a great selection of books!

Valentines....Valentines...Very Fun!

As usual, we had a GREAT Valentine's Party. I have the best "mom helpers" this year! They definitely know how to throw a party!

The day started off with about a dozen estimation jars. They were filled with all kinds of treats. The kids had a blast making their "guesses". Way to tie in some math with all the fun, moms!
Such serious thinking! After all, there were big stakes on the line. The closest estimation got to take the jar and treats home!
Just before lunch, I let the kids pass out their Valentines. They are always so excited to do this. Who knew delivering mail was so much fun?? Looks like they did a great job!
Oops...here is a little Valentine that didn't quite make it into a box....
The room transformation took quite a while....
but what a great job!
We never run short on treats at our parties!
The kids are so funny. You never know what is going to be the "big hit" at the party. At Halloween, it was our sticky eyeballs. This time, it was...well, I'm not really sure what it was...but they sure had a great time with it!
I just love 4th graders...especially this group! How could you not?? They were the best Valentine present!