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Medical Lake, Washington

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!

It seems like the school year is FLYING by! January is one of the best teaching/learning months and I'm excited to get back to school. I'm sure you will notice that things are really going to pick up.

The New Year is a great time to start "fresh" at school. Please talk with your student and see how his/her school supplies are holding up. It might be time for new pencils, erasers, glue, correcting pens or paper. I have no idea where their supplies go, but they usually need to be replaced around now.

Also, please remember the READING LOGS. They are important and should be considered homework. Your child should be reading 4 times a week for at least 20 minutes each time. It is important to read several times a week and not try to do all 80 minutes in one day. That won't count on the reading log. I check these every Monday.

You may have noticed that it is cold outside! BRRRRR! Please remember to send your child to school dressed for the weather. We do go outside unless the weather is dangerously cold. Please make sure they have all of their winter gear with them.

Thanks for sharing your children with me. We are having a great year and I am truly excited to
get back to school with them!